Here you can find articles about exploration in Austria and Poland, many pictures and more... |
Here you can find articles about new world record, exploration in Tatra Mts.and many more |
Here you can find articles about tragic death of four Polish cavers, info about exploration in Austria, Bulgaria and India, and more... |
Here you can find articles about exploration in Tatra Mts., small
discoveries in Slovenia and Norway, pictures and more... |
Here you can find articles about exploration in Austria, Spain, some informations about salt karst in Romania, exploration in Poland and more... |
Here you can find articles about exploration in Tatra Mts., small discoveries in Slovenia and Norway, pictures and more... |
Here you can find articles about exploration in Spain, Austria, Romania and USA. Also about new discoveries in tatra Mts. and more... |
Here you can find articles about polish exploration on the island Madre del Dios (Patagonia, Chile), Feithnerschacht (Austria), slovenian Kanin, international expedition to Cueva Cheve in Mexico and more... |
Here you can find articles about exploration on Papua New Guinea, Tatra Mts, Dynarskie Mts, many pictures and more... |
Here you can find articles about new big cave in Tatra Mts. Exploration of Hagengebirge, Tennengebirge & Leoganger Steinberge in Austria, Croatia and Norway. |
Here you can find news about exploration to Easter Islands, Papua New Guinea, Norway, Sardinia, and many more... |
Here you can find articles about new discoveries in Tatra Mts., Polish exploration activity in Austria, Papua New Guinea, Croatia and Crimea Mts. |
you can find articles about exploration of Lamprechtsofen system, new
caves on Papua New Guinea, lava tubes on Canarioan Islands, many pictures
and more...
you can find articles about new Polish "1000" in Austria, exploration
in Croatia and Italy, speleotrips to France Italy and USA, some about
biospeleology, cave diving in Romania and more...
you can find Jacek Duleba's obituary, articles about polish expeditions
to Croatia, Italy and Austria, some news about cave discoveries in Poland,
many pictures and more...
you can find articles about first Polish expedition to Papua New Guinea,
1025 meters deep Feichtnerschachthohle, exploration in Picos de Europa,
Monte Canin, diving in Bihor mountais and more...
you can find articles about polish expeditions to Austria and Romania,
some news about cave discoveries in Poland, and more...
you can find articles about last polish expeditions to second deepest
cave in the world (possibilities of extend the depth), to Tennengebirge
asnd Hoher Goll. You can read also about Kitzteinhorn geology and hydrology,
about new cave discoveries in Poland, and more...
you can find articles about polish expeditions to Austria, Slovenia and
Mongolia, some news about diving in Romania and Slovakia, something about
Tatra Mts., many pictures and more...
you can find some info about exploration Feichtnerschacht in Hohe Tauern,
expeditions to Spain, Italy and Croatia, exploration in Tatra Mountains
and more...
you can find article about polish world record - making Lamprechtsofen
the deepest cave in the world, other polish expeditions to foreign countries,
some pictures and many more...
you will find info about China karst, polish activity abroad, new discoveries
in polish mountains, seme nice pictures and many more...
you can find some info about polish exploration in Kitzsteinhorn and Monte
Canin, caverns in salt mine Wieliczka, canyoning in Sardinia, and many
new issue of Jaskinie magazine contains texts about visit of polish team
in Vrtiglavica - the deepeest single pitch in the world, caves in Bihor
mts. in Romania, and many more ...
is the first issue of new edition of Jaskinie. Now it will be publish
six times in year. In this issue you can read about exploration in Lamprechtsofen,
now third deepest cave in the world. (Some passages are very close to
other cave called PL2 and connection will increase total denivelation
of sistem to 1633 m). You can read also about exploration of other thousand
- Bleikogelhohle and many more and watch some pictures.
issue of Jaskinie magazine contains texts about polish exploration activity
in Poland and abroad, description of accident when a caver fall down from
the head of 126 m pith and survive, historical text and info about caves
in Hungary for tourists. Some pictures are included.
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Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr
Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a, 31-309 Kraków, Poland e-mail:
Internet edition:
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EPIMENIDES polish speleo page. |
Last change 2006.01.22