Sniezna Studnia
A new series called Letowianskie Partie was discovered in Sniezna Studnia, the second deepest Polish cave, during exploration carried out by cavers from Zakopane in 1998. The passages are narrow and muddy.
The new Caving Commission of the Polish Mountaineering Association
In November 98 the Caving Commission of the Polish Mountaineering Association (Komisja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Polskiego Zwi¥zku Alpinizmu) was elected. The Commission consists of 6 members. Andrzej Ciszewski remains president; Agnieszka Gajewska and Micha; Gradziäski are vice-presidents; Wiktor Bolek, Marek Wierzbowski and Przemyslaw Wlosek - commission members.
Now we know almost all... - Marek Jedrzejczak
This sentence summs up all Polish expeditions to the Picos de Europa Mts. It means that great discoveries will have to be done in the following year. But reality is to some extent different. During last year (1998) a 16-man team led by Marek Jedrzejczak carried out exploration in the Picos. During a one-month expedition they discovered a cave called Pozu del Porru de los Garapozales which was pushed down to -432 m. The length of the cave reached 750 m. The cave can probable be linked to Sistema del Jou de la Canal Parda. Apart from the above discovery the expedition explored a water series in Sistema del Canalon de los Desvios. The series ended in a sump at the level of -542 m. The total length of the explored series is 530 m and the new cave length is 2120 m.
Avenul din Hoanca Urzicarului - Stanislaw Kotarba
During 1998 the author organized four trips to Romania. During three of them in May, June and July some caves were visited and some exploration activity was carried out. A visit to the cave called Piatra Altarului, probably the most beautiful cave in Romania, is worth mentioning. The cave Avenul din Hoanca Urzicarului was the main goal of the fourth trip which was organized at the turn of September and October. Five Polish cavers and one Romanian caver took part in it. The cave is 286 m deep but geological and geomorphological conditions suggest that it can reach the depth of 550-600 m. Thus exploration in the cave was carried out. A new chamber called Sala Urodzinowa (Birthday Chamber) was discovered.
Is this the end of exploration in the Ciasne Kominy series? - Wiktor Bolek
For four years the sumps in the Ciasne Kominy series (Jaskinia Mietusia, the
Western Tatra Mts.) have been explored. Last December Wiktor Bolek reached the
depth of -70 m in the southern sump. During diving he used air and trimix. The
sump definitely ended, only two chimneys, both narrow and probably impossible to
push through, go up from the deepest point. The depth of the sump is 70 m, and the
venical extent of the cave is 305 m (-283 m, + 22 m). The total length of the sump is
about 135 m. The diving lasted 76 minutes.
Another diver - Norben Ziober - dived in the nonhern sump. He linked this sump
with another one, situated at the bottom of the Wielkie Kominy series in the same cave.
The latter sump was recently dived by Krzysztof Starnawski. The depth of the
northern sump was 29 m.
Zlota Sztolnia - Andrzej Wojton
It is the name of a cave situated in Gory Orlickie (the Sudetes). The cave is developed in the metamorphic rocks, i.e. mica schists and dolomitic marbles. The access to the cave leads through an anificial gallery built during iron ore exploitation in the Middle Ages. At the end of the 19th century the cave was accessible for tourists. The total length of the cave, including the artificial gallery, is 136 m and the depth is 26 m.
New anchors in Jaskinia Zimna - J. Kucmierz
In Jaskinia Zimna (the Western Tatra Mts.) 55 new long-life anchors were installed during three trips in January 1999. Special anchors called batinox were used. The author presents location of batinoxes, as well as the length of ropes that are now needed during a trip to Jaskinia Zimna.
Jaskinia w Mechowie - Janusz Baryla
Jaskinia w Mechowie is located near Gdansk in nonhern Poland. It is developed in Quaternary fluvioglacial sands and gravels that were panly cemented. The cave is non-karst in origin. It is supposed that fluvial erosion and mass movements created the cave. Its probably the biggest and most interesting cave that kind in northern Europe. The length of the cave is 61 m. It is worth mentioning that the cave has been known since the 19th century.
Spelo-camp in Germany - Bogdan Slobodzian
The author describes a speleo-camp in Germany in which he participated in August 1998. There were exercises in vertical caving, cave rescue, cave survey, as well as studies of some geological, hydrological and biospeleological problems both in theory and in practice.
Szeroki Aven - Jakub Nowak
Szeroki Aven is located in Szklarka Valley about 25 km north-west of Krakow. The survey of the cave was carried out in December I999. The cave length is 200 m and depth 45.3 m. The location, description and history of exploration of Szeroki Aven are presented in the text.
Two caves gated - Adam Polonius
The caves: Psia and Na Bisniku both situated in the central part of Wy¾yna Krakowsko-Wieluäska were gated. The latter cave had been an object of archaeological surveys. This interested some amateur collectors who visited the cave and looked for artefacts and bones. The cave deposits were unprofessionally dug through and destroyed. The gate is intended to prevent such activities.
When were the caves near Skorocice visited? - J. Urban, J. Gagol
The authors analyse records from the 19th century and maintain that these caves were often described at the time. The first description was written by a geologist J.B. Pusch in I836. Physicians who worked in the nearby spa town called Busko also described the caves in several guide-books. Some information suggests that spa patients frequently visited the caves.
Caves in the Tatra Mts. in the works of. B. Z. Steczynski - part III - W. W. Wisniewski
B. Z. Steczynski visited the Tatra Mts. several times during the last century. About 1O caves were known to him. The author analyses poems written by St©czyäski and tries to determine which caves were described. It seems very probable that the poems describe Dziurawiec w Bramie Kraszewskiego, Jaskinia Mylna, Okna Zbojnickie and another cave which cannot be identifed. Apart from that Steczynski described a big karst spring - Wywierzysko Bystrej.
Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr
Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
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