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Lamprechtsofen is now the second deepest cave
in the World ! - about exploration progress
and news read here
New deep cave explored by Polish cavers: Hochscharte Hohlen System in Austria - 1031 m - more info soon
New, 1025 m deep cave explored by Polish
cavers - Feichner Schachthohole - about
exploration read here
EPIMENIDES CAVE PAGE the first polish cave page
- former SKTJ cave page which was created in old dark ages of 1995.
Here you can find basic informations about caves and caving in Poland and Jeżeli potrafisz czytać po polsku to tu jest polska wersja strony. If you are tired of reading that page here is some links:
Basic info about caves in Poland: Karst occupies 2.6 % (ca 8000 km2) of Poland. There are more than 2800 caves known mostly of karst origin, with total lenght more than 150 km (18 caves has lenght more than 1 km, 28 more than 500 m and 133 more than 100 m). Here is the list of deepest and longest caves in Poland (updated 1997.11.01). The main polish cave regions are: Only one half of the caves is situated in protected areas. Basic info about caving in Poland: The first caving club in Poland was established in 1923 in Zakopane - Kolo Grotołazow przy Sekcji Przyrodniczej Towarzystwa Tatrzańskiego. Most active then were brothers Tadeusz and Stefan Zwolińscy. Caving becomes popular in 50-thies, at that time many speleoclubs were established. Nowadays there are 800 - 1000 cavers in Poland in more than 30 clubs. Organization that holds sway over them is Caving Committee of Polish Alpinism Association (Komisja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Polskiego Zwiazku Alpinizmu) member of UIAA and UIS. Addresses of polish speleo clubs are here. Cavers from Poland are exploring in many regions in the world, see Polish caving activity abroad. but the main is Austria when they have been taking part in exploration since 1969. Till 1997 year 101 expeditions were organized in massifs: Leoganger Steinberge, Loferer Steinberge, Hagengebirge, Göll, Tenengebirge and others. The Poles discovered and surveyed in Austrian Alps more than 540 caves of total length more than 145 km (till 96), which is close to total length of caves in Poland. Among them Lamprechtsofen - the deepest cave in the world, Jubiläumsschacht (-1173 m), Jägerbrunntroghöhle (-1078 m), Bleikogelhöhle (P-35) (-1021 m) and 450 m deep pitch Höllenhöhle. By the way, common used technique in Poland is SRT (single rope technique). |
EPIMENIDES CAVE PAGE: http://panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart
Authors: Bartosz Janiszewski (english version)Dariusz Bartoszewski (polish version)
Send questions & comments to: bjan@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl?subject=Epimenides
Abuse, execrations and caustic remarks to: bjan@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl?subject=Abuse
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Following has nothing to do with caves but you MUST see IT