New entrance to Kozia Cave (Goats Cave)
On 23.02.1996 after six months of exploration activity cavers from KKTJ Kraków discovered a new entrance to Jaskinia Kozia
(The Czerwone Wierchy massif, the Western Tatras, -389 m deep, 3500 m long). The new entrance facilitates access to the deeper part of the cave without use of ropes (up to -120 m) and by-passes several unpleasant squeezes, which are situated near the original entrance.
Jaskinia Marmurowa (Marble Cave) - exploration in vain
During last three years cavers from AKG Kraków tried to explore the old bottom in Jaskinia Marmurowa (the Czerwone Wierchy massif, the Western Tatras, 150 m of denivelation, 681 m long, one of the gratest exploration problems in Tatra Mts.). The work consisted in digging in a big boulder chock at the pitch bottom. The author suggests that the boulder chock does not promise much and that it is very unstable and dangerous, so some people called this place "the grave".
Studnia pod Małołączniakiem (Pitch near Małołączniak)
Slovak and Polish cavers tried to find a link between Studnia pod Malolaczniakiem and the deepest Polish cave - Jaskinia Wielka Sniezna (814 m of denivelation). The former lies in the topmost pan of Malolaczniak (the Czerwone Wierchy massif, the Western Tatras), in Slovakia 132 meters above highest point in Wielka Sniezna, close to Polish-Slovak border. Mercaptaney - gas characterized by very strong odour was used. Unforcunately, the test gave negative result (probably becouse to warm weather).Komin w Ratuszu (Chimney in Ratusz) - a known and unknawn cave
A cave called Komin w Ratuszu is located in the wall of Ratusz Litworowy (the Czerwone Wierchy massif, the Western Tatras). The cave consists of 70 m-long and 15 m-high meander, that is finally completely blocked by partly cemented clastic deposits. Cavers from AKG Kraków have renewed exploration activity
in the cave after a break of 3 years.
Jaskinia Pajęcza (Spiders cave)
In summer 1997 cavers from Kielce successfully explored a 10 m-long cave situated in the Jaworznia quarry (the Swietokrzyskie Mts.). At present the cave length reaches 600 m. It is worth mentioning that the cave is located very close to the longest cave in that region Chelosiowa Jama - Jaskinia Jaworznicka. A possible link between caves would create a 4300 m long system.
Closer and closer
An expedition traditionally led by Andrzej Ciszewski worked in Nebelsbergkar in August 1997. The main aim of the expedition was to join PL-2 cave to Vogelschacht (a part of Lamprechtsofen). The connection of PL-2 to Lamprechtsofen would give the vertical extent about 1635 m. More than 1 km of new passages were explored in Vogelschacht. The big waterfalls finished the progress in this cave. One may estimate that less than 100 m (maybe 10) still divides PL-2 from Lamprechtsofen.
Click on the picture for bigger versionGöll'97
Kamerschartenhöhle and Schanenschacht were the main goal of an expedition to the Göll massif led by Zbigniew Rysiecki. Twelve cavers took part in the expedition. The latter cave was deepened from -347 m to -547 m. In Kamerschartenhöhle some new interesting and very promising series was discovered. Apart from that the expedition carried out exploration in cave called Jaskinia Błądzących we Mgle (Cave of Lost in the Mist) and in Gamskar cirque and near Hochscharte pass. An accident happened during the expedition. One of che cavers fell down from the head of 126 m deep pitch. Fortunately he got entangled in a rope some 30 m lower and was only slightly injured.
Tennenegebirge Öst
An 8-man team from Żagań, Warszawa and Gorzów continued exploration of Bleikogelhöhle (the Tennengebirge). Rajmund Kondratowicz was the team leader. The cavers encountered high level of water in the cave due to rainy weather. In spite of this the expedition succeeded to deepen the cave from - 1011 m to - 1021 m. The estimated cave length is about 2000 m but only 1600 m were measured.
The broken off expedition or the same sad story again
A 14-man team from Wrocław and Sopot led by M. Wierzbowski carried out exploration in the Göll massif (the Northern Calcareous Alps) in July and August 1997. Ogrschacht, Labirynt Słoni cave and Jaskinia Snieżna were explored. Unfortunately, the expedition had to be stopped because official permission, though promised, was finally refused.
Here you can find big version of section.
Sotano del Barro - a muddy cellar
Five cavers from Żagań visit the deepest pitches. They had already been in Hadeschacht and Provatina. In 1997, after exploration activity in Chiapas in Mexico, they went to Quaretaro and descended to Sotano del Barro - the deepest pitch in America.Turkey'97 the second expedition from Częstochowa to Bolkar Daglarii
In 1997 Speleoclub Częstochowa continued work in Turkey. The main goal of an 8-man team led by Mateusz Grabara was exploration in the Bolkar Daglarii. The cave labelled PL-5, which had been explored by Polish cavers in 1995 to - 70 m, was deepened to -160 m. Another cave, labelled PL-3 was deepened from -200 to -235 m. Apart from that, the expedition localized some previously unknown cave entrances.Indifferent mountains
The author's rememberance of Janusz Śmiałek - the prominent Polish caver - who died in the Tatras in September 1997. Janusz Śmiałek was a leader of many Polish expeditions, e.g. to Pierre Saint Martin (1972), Ghar Parau (1973), the Leoganger Steinberge massiff (1975), Gouffre Berger and Monte Cucco (1976), Lamprechtsofen (1977).Zbigniew Rubinowski
Zbigniew Rubinowski died in the Dachstein in winter 1997. He was a geologist and speleologist. He took part in several mountain expeditions, e.g. he climb Noshaq (7492 asl) (1960) and Kangbachen (7902 asl) (1974). Protection of caves in the Swietokrzyskie Mts. was his particular interest.The Jura
The authors describe some curiosities connected with caves in the Jura Krakowsko-Wieluńska Upland. The new measured caves (Jaskinia w Cichym Wzgórzu and Studnia w Tankowcu), both situated near Częstochowa, are worth mentioning.Object location system
The author promotes new system, which can be used to locate various geographical objects, e.g. caves. The system consists of division of land into hierarchic units. The rivers cconstitute border between particular units. Basic unit is called a massif. The authors gives the Czerwone Wierchy as an example of the massif.Editors:
Jacek Dulęba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michał Gradziński, Piotr
Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
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