Sniezna Studnia
In winter and spring 1999 cavers from Zakopane explored the Letowianskie Series in Sniezna Studnia - the second deepest Polish cave. About 320 m of new passages were discovered. Now the total length of the series is 667 m, and the vertical extent exceeds more than 170 m. New series map, click for bigger versionSpeleoklub Aven awarded
A Polish club - Speleoklub Aven from Sosnowiec received an Italian award - Premio San Benedetto Abate. The Poles carried out many exploration expeditions in the Monte Canin Massif (the Julian Alps).Vrtglavica again
An 11-man team from Walbrzych visited the deepest cave pitch of the world - Vrtglavica (-643 m). All team members reached the bottom of the pitch.Brezno pod Velbom
The entrance pitch of Brezno pod Velbom was the aim of another Polish team. The depth of the pitch is -501 m. The team consisted of 4 cavers from Zagan and Gorzow. Two cavers descended the pitch but were stopped at the ice chock at the depth of about 400 m.Recent diving exploits by Krzysztof Starnawski
Krzysztof Starnawski dived the sump situated at the bottom of the Wielkie
Kominy series in Migtusia cave. He reached the chamber "Podwojne Zycie
Weroniki", which he had previously explored in 1996. The aim of the latest
diving was the next sump called "Klarowny". The length of the sump is
15 m. A 60 m long passage is situated beyound it. The passage definitely ends.
In the beginning of 1998 Krzysztof Starnawski dived in the famous Sump V
in Bystra cave. Beyound it discovered a small chamber filled with air and the
next Sump VI. Both sumps are very dangerous because of unstable ceilings.
The air bubbles exhalted by the diver caused falling down of clumps of mud
and even small stones.
The "Piatra Altarului" cave system
Piatra Altarului cave system is situated in the NW part of Romania in the Bihor Mountains. The region is built mainly of limestones Mesozoic in age. The system consists of six caves: Piatra Altarului, Rece, Diaclaza, Poarta Altarului, Oase and Ponor. The most important among them is Piatra Altarului cave. Its length reaches 3086 m. The cave was discovered by the cavers from POLITEHNICA caving club in 1986. The club still protects the cave. Piatra Altarului cave is famous for very beautiful and spectacular speleothems. The number of cavers who can visit the cave is strictly limited. The longest cave in the system is Rece with length exceeding 4 km.
Small exploration in a big forest
Grzegorz Kuspiel went to Java and Borneo. In Java he visited Japan's Cave developed in volcanic rock. In Borneo he carried out exploration near the Malaysian border in Donau Sentarum Nature Wildlife Reserve. He explored some small caves. The longest of them called Semujan Cave has the length of 32 m.
Diving in Jaskinia Wielka Sniezna
Two divers carried out exploration in Wielka Sniezna cave. The aim of their activity was Syfon Magdy - a sump situated in a side series in the cave. Norbert Ziober dived through two previously known sumps. A narrow but tall fissure is situated behind them. Further progress is still possible.
The caves in the Nida river basin
The authors of this article prepared an inventory of caves located in the Nida river basin. All the caves are developed in gypsum Miocene in age. 75 caves were surveyed with the total length of 1913 m. The longest of them is Jaskinia Skorocicka (352 m).A new system of numeration of caves situated in the Polish Jura
The authors have worked out a new system of numeration of caves situated in
the Polish Jura. The system divides the Jura into several hierarchic units. There are
three levels of units. All of them are numbered. Nine principal units were
created. The number of a cave should consist of numbers of three successive of
units and, on the founh position, the number of a particular cave within the last
Geological and geomorphological conditions for the development of caves in the area of Polish Lowlands
All the caves which occur in the Polish Lowlands are developed in partly cemented Pleistocene sands and gravels. The author has analysed, on the base of several sources, various processes which could lead to cementation of this deposits. He thinks that biological activity was an important factor which controlled solution of carbonate grains and reprecipitation of calcium carbonate, and caused, as a result, cementation of clastic deposits.Caves in the Polish Lowlands
The author prepared an inventory of caves located in the Polish Lowlands. All the
caves are developed in Pleistocene deposits. 17 caves were surveyed. The Longest of
them is Grota Mechowska (61 m).
Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr
Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
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