The state of knowledge about karst caves in the Sudetes
Presently 55 caves of karst origin are known in the Sudetes. The total length of them reaches 5253 m.
New non-karstic caves in the Sudetes
In 1997 two new caves of non-karstic origin were surveyed in the Gory Walbrzyskie (Sudetes). They are developed in ryolitic rocks along fissures which were widened due to gravitation. The longer cave called Jaskinia Podluzna Szczelina is 63 m long and 36 m deep.
A cave in calcareous tufa near the village of Laski
The latest research has revealed that a known cave situated near the village of Laski (the Jura) is developed in calcareous tufa. This is probably the only one cave of this type in Poland. The cave is about 8 m long.New caves in the Gorce Mts.
14 new caves were discovered and surveyed in the Gorce Mts. (the Beskidy Mts.). The caves are of non-karstic origin. They are developed in flysch deposits. The longest cave - Jaskinia Goszczynskiego is 20 m long. At present 27 caves are known in the Gorce Mts.
Awards for cavers
Cavers who participated in the creation of a new cave depth record (linking PL-2 to Lamprechtsofen) received awards from the Polish sport authorities.
Cassis once again
A seven-man team of cave divers led by Wiktor Bolek carried out training activity in the Cassis area (southern France). The main goal of the team was le Bestouan cave. Very hard conditions in the cave caused by strong rains hindered the diving. Finally, Wiktor Bolek covered the distance of more than 600 m in the sump.
More pictures in the article about this event (in polish)In the web of Red Spider
An 11 - man team from Zagan and Walbrzych led by Halina Zyzanska carried out exploration in the eastern part of the Tennengebirge massif (the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria). Cave labeled P-19 and called Czerwony Pajak (Red Spider) was the main goal of the expedition. The cave entrance is situated at the level of 1750 m on the slopes of Klein Grieskogel. The cave has been known for 19 years. Several new passages were explored in I995, 1996 and I997. In 1998 the cave was deepened to about -370 m. The explored passage was extremely narrow. Other new and very wide series was also discovered. It probably leads towards the surface, maybe to the second cave entrance. It is worth mentioning that Red Spider entirely differs from other caves situated in the same area which are typical vertical caves without any horizontal series.
China - the explorers' Eldorado
Three Slovak cavers visited China at the turn of 1997 and 1998.
They carried out exploration in the Yunnan province. The main areas
of expedition activity were the northern part of Yunnan near the town
of Zhongdian and the southern part near the towns of Guangnan and Wenshan.
A high alpine karst massif was observed in the former. In authors' opinion
it is a very promissing goal for further exploration. The potential vertical
extent of karst caves can reach about 3 000 m there. The cavers also visited
the famous canyon called Leaping Tiger Gorge, where the Yangtsy river cuts
across a high mountain range. The vertical extent between the canyon bottom
and surrounding peaks reaches about 4 000 m. Some parts of the canyon are
developed in karstic rocks. The Slovak cavers also visited a karst upland in the
vicinity of Guangnan where they registered several cave entrances. They explored
one cave 157 m long and 48 m deep. Other caves were explored near Wenshan.
Yanzi dong cave (Swallow cave) is the longest. Its length reaches 3189 m.
A big river (400 l/s) flows along the cave which terminates in a sump.
The whole cave was explored during only one trip. Other caves were explored
nearby. They probably form one genetic karst system.
Gouffre Berger 1998
The authors describe a trip to Gouffre Berger. Several cavers from Bielsko-Biala
took part in the camp organized in Vercors massif by Speleo-Club de Chilly-Mazarin from Paris. Two cavers from Bielsko-Biala reached the final sump in Gouffre Berger, nine other cavers the "dry" bottom of the cave. Cueves de Sassenage was visited as well.
Some details about Ciesenc cave
The history of discovery and exploration of Ciesenc cave is presented in the text. Author characterizes the value of the cave and its importance for further scientific research (e.g. numerous bones, several generations of speleothems) and appeals to cavers visiting this cave for its careful protection.The survey of Ciesenc cave
The survey of Ciesenc cave was carried out in October. It proved that the cave length is 245 m and vertical extent 22.4 m. Ciesenc map, click for bigger versionA mini guide-book for canyoning
The author characterizes canyons situated in the surroundings of Grenoble (the Vercors, the Chartreuse and the Belladonna massifs), in southern parts of the Central Massif (Sevennes, Ardeche) as well as in the Ecrin Massif. She gives some tips and hints concerning personal clothing, equipment, cactics, as well as dangers of canyoning.The cavers' manual
It is the second part of a guide for caving beginners. The text describes ropes, plaquettes and other cave equipment.Caves in the Tatra Mts. in the works of. B. Z. Steczynski - part II
B. Z. Steczynski visited the Tatra several times during the last century. About IO caves were known to him. The author quotes an extensive part of the poem written by Bogusz Zygmunt Steczynski in 1860. The poem deals with his visit to Dziura cave (The Hole). Steczynski drew an illustration presenting the interior of Dziura cave. It is one of the earliest illustrations depicting Tatra caves.Editors:
Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr
Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
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