second Polish -1000 in the Hoher Göll - Piotr Tambor
At the turn of July and August a Polish expedition, consisting of cavers from
Poznań, Katowice and Kraków and led by Piotr Tambor, visited the Hoher Göll
massif (Austria). The connection between Kamerchartenhöhle (1336/217) and
Höhle der Sprechendern Steine (1336/153) was the main achievement of the
expedition. A system was thus created which is about -1033 m deep. Moreover,
Schartenschacht cave was deepend to -700 m and Turbogebläse (1336/304) cave
to -362 m. A new cave named Pegasushöhle (1336/160) was discovered and explored
to the depth of -137 m.
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Higher entrance to the new Hochschartehöhlensystem
(1033 m deep), ph. Piotr Tambor
Lubuska Jama - "Dragon's teeth", ph. Marcin
m in Lubuska Jama - Marcin Furtak
Cavers Erom Gorzów and Żagań led by Piotr Pilecki came back co the Velebit massif (Croatia) in September 2001. The team consisted of 12 cavers. The cave Lubuska Jama was deepened to -500 m. Three other caves were explored too.
Hoher Göll 2001 - Marek Wierzbowski
This summer an 8-man team led by Marek Wierzbowski went to the Hoher Goll (Austria). Ogrschacht cave was a main goal. A horizontal passage at about -600 m was explored. The team reached the bortom of a huge chimney. Climbing was very difficult due to a thick layer of mud on the walls. This same team has visited neighbouring massif - Hagengebirge - and made a reconnaissance there.
Photo: Tomasz Sobański
2001 - Tomasz Tomaszek
In August, che third expedition organized by STJ KW-Kraków carried out exploracion
in the Kanin massif (Slovenia). Andrzej Góralczyk was the team leader. Twelve
cavers cook part in the expedition. The cave labelled KR-4 was deepened from
-171 m to -205 m, where it ended in a narrow fissure. Surface exploration was
carried out mosty between Konic (2289 m a.s.l. and Mali Graben (2047 m a.s.l.).
Cave labelled KM-1 is the most inceresting one. It reached -132 m and still
went down. The cave was full with ice and snow.
Photo: Piotr Augustynek
Speleoholidays - Beata Michalska
A 12-man team from Bielsko-Biala visited several caves in theJura (France). They recommend the region as ideal for speleoholidays.
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Photo: B. Michalska
prairies and mountains of the Wild West - Andrzej Ciszewski
Four Polish cavers went to the USA invited by Joe Oliphant. They passed cave Whitaker Sink in the little Belt Mountains (Montana), organized a training rescue action and visited several climbing areas.
and wet weekend in Abisso Paolo Roversi - Andrzej Poczobutt
Polish cavers went to Abisso Paolo Roversi - the deepest cave in Italy. The
team consisted of nine people led by Andrzej Poczobutt and Marcin Zamorski.
They went down to about -800 m but the very high water level in the cave, caused
by snow melting, prevented them from going to the cave bottom.
Ph. D. Bartoszewski, for more pictures look: here.
time Tauz - Wiktor Bolek
In August 8 cave divers and 6 ccompanied cavers went to Romania.
The sump in the Tauz resurgence as the main goal of the expedition. The sump
was previously explored by the Poles to -80 m in february. The sump was rerigged.
Long anchors were used to fix the guide rope, so passing the squeeze at -74
m was definitely simpler than earlier. A horizontal passage at -85 m was reached.
The sump still continues. Unfortunately, a strong rain and extremely high water
level in the sump stopped the exploration. The explored sump is hydrologically
connected with the sump in the cave Coiba Mare but they are separated by a distance
of 2500 m.
New caves near Kochanów - Andrzej Wojtoń
The author describes caves situated near Kochanów (the Sudetes, western Poland). There are eleven caves are of non-karst origin, all developed in Permian sandstones. The 276 m long cave Jaskinia z Filarami is the longest.
Caves Dziewicza and Malotowa - Andrzej Górny
Two caves situated close to Kraków (Polish Jura) are described. Malotowa Cave was discovered in I 980 and it was dug out during last 21 years. Now the caves is 56 m long and 12,5 deep. The second cave is Dziewicza (64 m long). It is situated above Malotowa. Their connection is possible.
Jacek Duleba, Krzysztof Baran, Andrzej Ciszewski, Michal Gradzinski, Piotr
Kulbicki, Wojciech Radecki, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail:
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