In winter, a 10-man expedition led by Grzegorz Kupiel went to Papua New
Guinea. The cave Imalfol Tem, discovered by Poles in 2001, was deepened to ca.
-400 m. The bottom of the end pitch was filled with mud.
In March, the cave Feitnerschahthöhle was explored. As usual, Andrzej Ciszewski was the expedition leader. The cave was deepened to - 1049 m. Two parallel vertical sections were discovered too. One of them ended at the level of ca. -990 m.
Vandalism in Ojców
and flowstones in a cave called Jama Ani were destroyed. Only some of them were
stolen; the majority were broken into several pieces and left in the cave. It
is worth mentioning that the cave since its discovery in 1988 has belonged to
the nicest caves in the Polish Jura and that the cave is situated within the
area of Ojców National Park.
Rapa Nui 2001
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Poike Cliff, photo: Ewa Wójcik
In the turn of November and December 2001 a 15-man team led by
Andrzej Ciszewski visited Easter Island. The expedition was organized under
the protectorate of the Explorers Club, the rector of Santiago Univeristy and
the Institute of Easter Island. Exploration was carried out for 8 days and concentrated
in three areas the Poike peninsula (eastern part of the island), the
Rano Roraku volcano and the Roiho lava field. Several caves with total length
of 2300 m were surveyed and their entrances were precisely located using GPS
equipment. The most interesting caves are Ana te Pahu, Ana Vai Teka and Ana
o Keke. Ana te Pahu cave is the longest in the island. Prehistoric tools made
of obsidian, hearths and bones were found in the cave. The
most interesting were cracked human skulls, probable vestiges of cannibalistic
activities. The cliffs in Poike and Rano Roraku areas were descended that to
check several entrances.
Rano Raraki Volcano, photo: Ewa Wójcik
The author describes a karst area called Mehedinti that is situated in the Southern Carpathians in Romania. The area is bordered by the Motru river valley from the east and by the Cerna river valley from the west. The Mehedinti upland is the southern part of the area when the Mehedinti mountains are the northern one. Topolnita cave with the length over 25 km is the longest cave in the area. Other caves though smaller are also interesting. They are rich in speleothems and active watercourses.
Cloani Cave, photo: Stanisław Kotarba
February a 13-man team went to Romania. The team included six cave divers since
another diving in Tauz resurgence was the main aim of the team. Unfortunately
a violent thaw with terrible rain and warm wind forced the cavers to change
the plans. They visited several interesting caves and the diving action was
Entrance to Coiba Mare cave
Bulba Cave, Romania, photo: Stanisław Kotarba
Three cavers from STJ KW-Kraków went to Norway in the turn of May and June 2001. They visited Okshola-Kristhola and Svathammarhola caves situated in the vicinity of Fauske. Then, they drove to the town of Helland situated on the cost of Tysfjord. From Helland they travelled by a ferry to Musken and boated along the Hellemofjord. They wanted to make a traverse of Ragge Javri Raigi cave. Unfortunately the upper entrance was completely blocked with snow.
Fauske Area with trail to Okshola-Kristhola Cave entrance, photo: Marcel
Picos 2001 or short story about small cave
8-man team from Wroc³aw traditionally led by Marek Jêdrzejczak went
to the Picos de Europa in August 2001. The zone B was the main aim of the expedition.
In the first day of activity a small entrance to an unknown cave was found.
The cave was labelled B-12. At the level of -60 m a very narrow, inaccessible
fissure stopped the explorers. In the end, after 10 days of hammering, the fissure
became enough wide to passed through. On the other side of the fissure a 73
m deep pitch and a narrow and high meander were explored. The cave ends in boulder-chokes
on the bottom of a huge chamber. The cave is 404 m deep and 850 m long. Apart
from B-12 cave several interesting though shallow pitches were discovered.
Camp, photo: Małgorzata Wojtaczka
Cavers from AKG Kraków went to Sardinia. Two caves Grotta de su Guano
and Tiscali, both situated in Lanaitto valley were visited. The team went also
to Su Palu and Su Spiria caves located in Codula di Luna valley. The author
evaluates the former one as the most interesting caves that he has visited ever.
The next aim of the Poles was Cratero Vecchio - a 273 m deep pitch. Canyons
Badde Pentumas, Codula Fuili, Codula Orbisi and Bacu Esone were passed through.
Several climbing areas were visited as well.
Su Palu cave, photo: Maciej Stachura
times in Montenegro
This year Akademicki Klub Groto³azów from Kraków made two reconnaissance trips to Montenegro. During the first one the Poles visited the Sinajevina massif. Some small caves were explored. During the second trip the Stoac massif was searched. The deepest cave of these mountains named Jama u Crkvenom Dolu was deepened from -393 to - 463 m.
Bulba Cave, Romania, photo: Stanisław Kotarba
Adit with pitch
The adit located in Janowa Hill near Kletno (the Sudetes) was visited and surveyed.
Its length is 120 m and vertical extent 25 m (+2, - 23). The adit was mined
for iron ore in the middle ages.
The Kaczawskie mountains - big, middle and small caves The author describes
newly explored caves in the Kaczawskie mountains (the Sudetes). Imieninowa cave
is the biggest and the most interesting one. The cave is developed in methamorphic
shists. Its length reaches 170 m and depth -58 m.
Topolnica Cave, Romania, photo: Stanisław Kotarba
Janusz Baryła, Michał Gradziński, Jakub Nowak, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
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