Wiktor Bolek 1965–2004
Wiktor Bolek, died on 1st May during a routine dive to the depth of 6 m in the diving base Wildschutz near Leipzig in Germany. Immediate and prolonged resuscitation was unsuccessful. His equipment was in perfect condition and the autopsy did not reveal the cause of his death. Ventricular fibrillation was the possible cause. Wiktor Bolek started caving in the mid eighties an he became interested in cave diving since the very start. His strong personality helped to attract many other cavers to diving, so that Polish cave diving owes to him its rapid development. The yearly cave diving workshops, the school of safe cave diving, have been his invention and creation. He dived in Miętusia, ¦nieżna, ¦nieżna Studnia, Dudnica, Kasprowa Niżna and Zimna caves in Poland and in many foreign caves, especially in Romania. His incentives proved so successful that even without is leadership, cave diving in Poland will stay on the move.
Cave photography competition
Competition of cave photography has taken place in Warsaw in June 2004 on the occassion of 50th anniversary of Speleoklub Warszawski. The awarded works are shown on the front cover and the second page of the cover.
Picos 2004 is waiting
Ten people from Wrocław and Ruda ¦l±ska went to Picos de Europa at the end of July 2003. The main goals were D-9, explored earlier to -300 and supposed to continue towards Sistema del Canalón de los Desvíos, and A-3 or Pozu del Porru de los Garapozales. In D-9 connection was found with F-15/F-17 and B-12. In A-3 a precariously suspended boulder choke was passed leading to an active water course. The open leads remain for Picos 2004. A table shows the deepest caves in the Polish exploration zone in the western massif of the Picos de Europa.
White Rain Pitch
Five cavers from Speleoklub „Bobry” of Żagań went to the 560 m-deep Baiyudong shaft in China. For two of them: Marcin Furtak and Daniel Oleksy this was another „collected” deep shaft, after Provatina (-407 m) in Greece, Hades (-455 m) in Austria, Sotano del Barro (-410) in Mexico, Vrtglavica (-643 m) in Slovenia and Patkov Gust (-540 m) in Croatia.Mała and what next
Cavers from Nowy Sącz continued exploration of the club’s greatest discovery
– Jaskinia Mała. At the end of November 2003 they descended to the depth estimated
as below -500 m with chances for a bypass of the narrow meander bottom.
A large hole in small mountains
A surprisingly large sandstone cave – Jaskinia Drwali (Woodcutters Cave) – has been discovered in December 2003 in the Kilanowska hill in the Beskid Niski (Low Beskid) range in the eastern part of the Flysch Carpathians. The discovery was made during a speleomeeting. The first exploration was conducted by some 30 people from all Poland and from Preąov in Slovakia. The cave is now 471 m long and 23.8 m deep; some its parts have calcite speleothems. Its origin is related to a huge landslide of 1957, though some spaces could exist before.
Kobylańska Valley – 101 caves
Caves in the most popular among climbers of the Jurassic valleys near Kraków
– Kobylańska – have been systematically surveyed. The 101 caves have total length
of 537 m. Descriptions and surveys of the more interesting ones are presented.
Michal Gradziński, Grzegorz Haczewski, Jakub Nowak, Mariusz Szelerewicz
Andrzej Ciszewski, Marcin Furtak, Agnieszka Gajewska, Rafał Suski, Tenata Tęczar, Andrzej Wojtoń
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail: szelerewicz@ceti.pl
Internet edition:
e-mail: dbart@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl
WWW: panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart
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