System of Hipman's caves - Elena Hipmanova
The Slovak cavers, after several years of exploration, joined the cave named Vecna robota (Eternal Labour) to Stary hrad (the Lower Tatra Mts., Slovakia). The new vertical extent of the cave reached -494 m. The author proposes to name the caves as System of Hipman's caves, in memory of Petr Hipman (d. 1999) an outstanding Slovak caver, who for several years explored the area of the Lower Tatra Mts.
Mała w Mułowej - 400 * - Anna Antkiewicz
TMa3a w Mu3owej cave (the Czerwone Wierchy massif, the Western Tatra Mts.), which was discovered in Summer 2002, was explored also in spring and autumn 2003. The newly discovered series consists of several squeezes and pitches (one of them is 130 m deep). The new cave bottom is situated at the level of -397 m. The cave is still going.
* - To the time of publishing this paper, this cave was depened to -444.
News from Picos - Marek Jędrzejczak
Cavers from Speleoclub Wroc3aw traditionally explored the so-called Polish zone in the Picos de Europa. The cave D-9, discovered last year, was joined to Sistema del Canalon de los Desvios (new length 4800 m). The newly discovered cave A 38 was joined to Pozu del Porru de la Capilla (new length 1754 m). The "terminal" boulder chock in Pozu del Porru de los Garapozales was passed through. The new surveyed depth of this cave is -432 m, but some unsurveyed passages go down to about -480 m.
Wonderful summer in the Leoganger Steinberge - Andrzej Ciszewski
A team of 19 cavers (mainly from KrakUw) traditionally led by Andrzej Ciszewski
went to Austria to the Leoganger Steinberge massif. They searched for the connection
between the highest-lying part of Lamprechtsofen and the caves located in the
upper parts of Nebelsbergkar. A very good weather enabled effective exploration.
During the expedition more than 3 km of passages were discovered and surveyed.
One kilometre more remains unsurveyed. The cave CL-3 was the main goal of the
expedition. A newly discovered series of spacious meanders and pitches leads
to the terminal sump at the level of -705 m. A complex labyrinth was explored
near a passage named Antygaleria. Fortunately, the ice chock in the entrance
part of the formerly known cave PL-95/1 at 2388 m a.s.l., was partly melted
out. After a very
narrow meander and several pitches, the cavers reached the passage named Galeria
Osobliwości in CL-3 cave. Thus, the new depth of the cave is -748 m and its
new length is 6,5 km. A small cave with very strong drought was found near Kuchelhorn
(2500 m a.s.l.). It was named Krecia (Mole's cave). The cave was pushed down
to -350 m and it is still going. At the end of the expedition a spacious pitch
was discovered.
It is located at 2473 m a.s.l. The exploration stopped at -90 m in a narrow
30 meters from happiness - Marcin Furtak
Three cavers from Żagań took part in the international expedition to the Kanin massif (Slovenia) in winter 2003. The cave Brezno pod Velbom was one of the main aims of the expedition. The cavers from Żagań from a few years have "collected" deep pitches. They tried earlier twice to descend the entrance pitch to Brezno pod Velbom (-501 m deep), but the high level of ice made it impossible. This time the pitch was open but for the lack of rope the Poles stopped 30 m over the pitch bottom. The very harsh weather made a second attempt impossible.
Salt caves in Romania - Stanisław Kotarba
The author characterizes the salt karst area of Romania. It is located in the Buzau Mts. The area consists of several plateaus. Plateau Meledic (1,7 km2) is the biggest one. Karst depressions are developed on the plateaus, with freshwater lakes in some of them. The cave S6 de la Minzalesti, with length 1257 m, is the biggest cave in the described area. Unfortunately, the cave entrance is now blocked by a landslide.New caves in Sudetes - Andrzej Wojtoń
Andrzej Wojtoń and Monika Daszkiewicz describe 10 new caves in the Sudetes (Western Poland). Two caves are of karst origin, while eight caves are developed along fissures in granitoids.
Caves in the Jaworznickie Hills - Mariusz Bąk
The author reports four new caves in the Jaworznickie Hills
(Silesian Upland). The longest of them is W Jaworznie cave, which is 36 m
Kuźnica cave - Andrzej Górny, Mariusz Szelerewicz
A new cave was surveyed in the northern part of the Kraków-Wieluń Upland. The entrance part of this cave was formerly known as a rock-shelter. Now the cave, named Kuźnica, is 62 m long. The authors surveyed also other caves in the area.
Caves in the Polish Flysch Carpathians - Tomasz Mleczek
Tomasz Mleczek describes new maps of a few pseudokarst caves from the Polish Flysch Carpathians. W Tarnicy cave (the Bieszczady Mts.) is 16 m long. It was situated in Tarnica n the highest mountain of the Bieszczady range. A new length of Zbójecka Jama w Jaworzynie Kamienieckiej (the Gorce Mts.) is 48 m. Up to now, 36 caves have been found in the Gorce range.
Janusz Baryła, Michał Gradziński, Jakub Nowak, Mariusz Szelerewicz
Andrzej Ciszewski, Marcin Furtak, Agnieszka gajewska, Wojciech W. Wiśniewski, Andrzej Wojtoń
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