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Galleries in CL-3 ,ph. J. Nowak
Not only in the Leoganger Steinberge - A. Ciszewski
Not only in the Leoganger Steinberge A team of 19 cavers (mainly from Kraków)
led by Andrzej Ciszewki went to Austria. The Leoganger Steinberge massif was
the main goal of the expedition. They searched for the connection between PL-2
(the highest part of Lamprechtsofen) and CL-3 caves. PL-2 cave was equipped
and several leads in the southernmost parts of the cave were checked. All ended
in fissures or at the bases of big chimneys. About 150 m of new passages was
explored and surveyed in this cave. In CL-3 cave several new passages and pitches
were found. The total length of the new parts reached 1300 m. Now the cave looks
like a real labyrinth of vertical and horizontal passages but still more than
100 m separates CL-3 from PL-2. The expedition explored also a small cave labelled
N-200 which is situated between PL-2 and CL-3. Besides the activity in the Leoganger
Steinberge the expedition made a reconnaissance in the Mosermandl massif (the
Niedere Tauern). Eight persons participated in the reconnaissance. The massif,
which has not been explored so far, is not promissing for further activities.
Some expedition members visited also the Kitzsteinhorn massif. They carried
out exploration in the area siwated below entrance to Feitchnerschachthöhle
at the altitude 2200 - 2500 m a.s.l. A few small caves were explored there.
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Section of CL-3
Section of highest part of Lamprechtsofen, CL-3, Lodowa
& N200
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In Cueva de San Marcos, photo M. Gradziński
In consalidated lavas of the Canary Islands - M. Gradziński
The caves in Armenia - Andrzej Wojtoń
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One of no named lava tubes, ph. A. Wojtoń
Two cavers from Wałbrzych visited several caves in Armenia. The caves are located
between towns: Areni, Arpi, Agarakadzor, Gnishik i Khachik. The caves are developed
in limestones and conglomerates. Some lava tube caves occur in Armenia as well.
The longest and deepest Armenian cave is Archer cave with the length of about
3300 m and the vertical extent 145 m (-95 m, +50 m). The name Archer means bear
in Armenian language. It comes from numerous bear bones encountered in the cave.
The longest lava lube is the 100 m long Sanahin cave. There is only one caving
club in Armenia. It is called Armenian Speleological Society. Smbad Davtian
is the club's president.
Entrance pit of Imalfol Tem cave, photo G. Ku¶piel
2001 - Grzegorz Ku¶piel
In February, an 8-man team visited Papua New Guinea. Grzegorz
Ku¶piel was the expedition leader. The team carried out exploration in the Victor
Emmanuel Mountains. They explored a cave called Imalfol Team. The cave is located
in the Mt. Kafan, a four-day walk distance from the village Telefomin at altitude
2,280 m (topographic coordinates 141 °49.032' E, 05° I 3.624' S). The cave starts
with a huge pilch, followed by systems of meanders and pitches. A stream flows
throughout all the cave. Temperature is only 8°C. The team stopped at the head
of a huge pitch, so the cave is still going. The depth reached in the cave is
385 m.
Papua New Guinea, photo G. Ku¶piel
bats in Poland - Jakub Nowak
The author describes bals which occur in Polish caves. There are 17 species of bals in Polish caves. Only two of them belong to family Rhinolophidae, the others to family Vespertilionidae.
Janusz Baryła, Michał Gradziński, Jakub Nowak, Mariusz Szelerewicz
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail: szelerewicz@ceti.pl
Internet edition:
e-mail: dbart@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl
WWW: panda.bg.univ.gda.pl/~dbart
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Last change 2001.10.30