Madre de Dios - the island of dreams - Andrzej Ciszewski
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Camp ship, ph. Ewa Wójcik |
Madre del Dios, ph. Ewa Wójcik
Geographical characteristics and karst features of the Madre de Dios island - Ireneusz Sobota
The author describes the karst relief of the Madre de Dios island. He classifies the surface forms such as karren, corrosional pits and pans on the carbonate pavement. The karst dolines with diameter of more than 10 m are also described.
One of the cave entrances on Madre del Dios, ph. Ewa Wójcik
Feichtnerschacht 2003, to everyone his bottom - Jakub Nowak
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Feitchnerschacht, near The Fifth Bottom on -1000 |
At the turn of March and April, the cave Feitnerschahthohle (the Hohe Tauern,
Austria) was explored. As usual, Andrzej Ciszewski was the expedition leader.
team consisted of 15 Polish, one Austrian, 3 French and one German cavers. The
vertical section, where in 2002 exploration stopped at the level of 992 m, was
deepened to -1032 m. The section ends with a sump. The sections named "Kaskady
z Usmiechem" still goes down. Now the cave is about 4.3 km long.
Kanin 2002 - Tomasz Tomaszek
In August a fourth expedition organised by STJ KW-Krakow carried out exploration in the Kanin massif (Slovenia). Tomasz Tomaszek was the team leader. Eight cavers took part in the expedition. A cave labelled KR-18 was discovered and explored to the depth of -163 m. A narrow fissure at the termination of the cave BC-1 was successfully passed through. A vertical series, with a 140 m - deep pitch was discovered. A boulder-chock at the pitch bottom prevented further exploration.
Camp in Canin, ph. Tomasz Tomaszek
Cueva Cheve - Marcin Gala
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After shopping in a village near Cueva Charco,
ph. Kasia Bernacka |
Five Polish cavers from Warsaw took part in an American expedition to Mexican
caves lead by Bill Stone in the beginning of 2003. The Cueva Cheve and Cueva
Charco were the main goals. The Poles explored some chimney series and took
part in transport of diving equipment to the sump. During the expedition two
British divers deepened the cave to -1484 m.
In Slovenian and Croatian resurgences - Włodzimierz Szymanowski
Wlodzimierz Szymanowski and Andrzej Szerszen dived in several resurgences in Slovenia and Croatia in the turn of April and May. They visited Jama Suhodolca, Veselova Jama, Jama Bilbaand Dive Jezero in Slovenija as well as Izvor Cetina and Majerovo Vrelo in Croatia.
Pod Wanta
Cavers from Gorzow and Krakow explored some vertical chimneys in Pod Wanta cave (the Western Tatra Mts.). Those from Gorzow explored the series 87 m long, with vertical extent of 34 m.
Forms in Crystal Gallery in Feitchnerschacht
-59 m in Szeroki Awen
A new series was discovered in the cave Szeroki Awen (Polish Jura) in spring 2003. After widening the narrow squeeze, the cavers went into a high but rather narrow fissure with the total vertical extent of about 50 m and the length of 70 m. Thus, the new depth of Szeroki Awen is 59 m and the new length is 270 m.
New caves in Bieszczady Mts.
Cavers from Debica surveyed five non-karstic caves in the Bieszczady Mts.
(southeastern Poland). The caves formed in flysch rocks. Dydiowska Jama (26
m long and 15 m deep) is the largest of them.
Diego de Almagro Island landscape, ph. Andrzej Ciszewski
Janusz baryła, Michał Gradziński, Jakub Nowak, Mariusz Szelerewicz
Andrzej Ciszewski, Marcin Furtak, Agnieszka Gajewska, Paulina Szelerewicz, Wojciech W. Wi¶niewski, Andrzej Wojtoń
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
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Last change 2003.07.22