
Published by: Komisja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Polskiego Zwi±zku Alpinizmu
(Caving Commission of Polish Mountaineering Association)
ul. Ciołka 17, 01-445 Warszawa
Editors: Jacek Dulęba , Michał Gradziński, Mariusz Szelerewicz, Associate
editor: Artur Amirowicz, Layout and design: Firma Rysunkowa Szelerewicz,
ul. Ehrenberga 36 a, 31-309 Kraków, WWW version Dariusz Bartoszewski
Kraków 2001, ISBN 83-910339-3-7
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times since 2002.01.18
From the editors
It is our honour to present the special publication entitled "Polish
caving 1997-2001". It is issued on the occasion of 13th International
Speleological Congress. The main target of the publication is to describe
the main achievements of Polish caving that have been done throughout
last five years.
There were many expeditions abroad. The Austrian Alps were traditionally
the goal of numerous Polish teams. The most spectacular was linking PL-2
to Lamprechtsofen. In the effect Lamprechtsofen became the deepest cave
in the world (see article by Ciszewski). Besides
the Poles explored the Hohe Tauern and the Hoher Göll (see articles by
Ciszewski and Recielski, Rysiecki
and Wierzbowski and Bartoszewski). Some achievements
were also done in the Tennengebirge. In the eastern part of the massif
cavers from Żagań and Gorzów found several caves (see article
by Furtak). The team of AKG Kraków (leader Marcin Krajewski) explored
the southern part of the Tennengebirge massif in 1997. They pushed down
Schnee Maria Höhle from -817 to -935 m. The Poles (team of STJ KW Kraków)
explored also the Steinernes Meer massif in 1997. The interesting exploration
results were also yielded by expeditions to the Picos de Europa (see article
by Jędrzejczak). Besides Polish cavers carried out exploration in
the karst massifs of the Julian Alps (see articles by Kozioł
and by Tomaszek & Tomaszek).
There was also some exploration activity outside Europe. In spring 2001
a Polish team explored Imalfol Tem cave in Papua New Guinea (see article
by Ku¶piel). The cavers of Speleoklub Częstochowa visited the Bolkar
Mountains in Turkey in summer 1997. They deepened caves Pl-5 to -160 m,
and Pl-3 to -235 m. Both caves were discovered by Poles in 1995. A Polish
team explored also several small caves in Java island in 1999.
The cavers from Speleoklub "Bobry" Żagań and Speleoklub Gorzów
"collect" the deepest pitches of the world. They visited Sotano
del Barro (Mexico) in 1997, Vrtglavica (Slovenia) in 1998, Brezno pod
Velbom (Slovenia) in 1999 and 2000 as well as Patkov Guąt (Croatia) in
Many small groups went to large cave systems for training. In 1998 Gouffre
Berger was visited in cooperation with some French cavers. Besides, numerous
teams chose as their target some caves in Slovakia, the Czech Republic,
Hungary, Romania (see photos at the back cover),
the Ukraine, Slovenia, France as well as Sardinia and the Canary Islands.
The most spectacular exploration in Poland was achieved in Jaskinia Wielka
¦nieżna - the deepest and longest Polish cave (see articles by Mateja
and Wierzbowski and by Bolek).
One can find inside this issue, besides the above mentioned articles concerning
Polish achievements, the article written by Gajewska discussing the organizational
structure of Polish caving. Moreover, the distribution of caves in Poland
and the latest exploration results are characterized (see articles by
Michał Gradziński and Wojciech
W. Wi¶niewski).
Note: The names of Polish caves
were not translated to avoid confusion. The often repeated word "jaskinia"
means cave.
Front cover: Galeriowy Korytarz, Jaskinia
Zimna, the Western Tatra Mts. Photo by S. Kotarba.
Back cover : beatiful pictures from romania
by S. Kotarba