Cave diving in Poland is not the easy job. There is no big resurgence
in our country. Most diveable sumps are placed in the Tatra Mountains
on the southern border. There is an alpine type karst; the temperature
of water is about 3 oC. The sumps are deep in the caves - usually several
hundreds meters below the entrance. The cave diver must be extremely fit
to get there with all his equipment.
The main diving places are at the bottom of big vertical caves such as
Miętusia, ¦nieżna Studnia and Wielka ¦nieżna. There are also some sumps
in horizontal caves such as Kasprowa Niżna, Bystrej, Dudnica, and Zimna.
The development of exploration over the last four years is covered in
this paper.
The deepest cave dives took place in Miętusia cave. There are two separate,
vertical sequences of the pits in the lower parts of this cave. One of
them is called Wielkie Kominy (Great Chimneys) and the second Ciasne Kominy
(Narrow Chimneys). For many years these two sumps remained unconnected,
but many clues indicated that a connection is possible. The exploration
in Ciasne Kominy was undertaken by cavers from the club Sekcja Grotołazów
Wrocław. The bottom of the last pit is divided into two separate lakes.
Wiktor Bolek explored the south one. Within the years 1996-98 four assaults
were made. On the dive on 29.12.1998 the depth of -70 m was reached at
the distance of 135 m from the lake surface. It was a definite end of
the exploration. The dive lasted 76' including 53' decompression. Trimix
was used as bottom gas, air as travel mix and oxygen for final decompression.
Norbert Ziober explored the sump under the north lake. At first the sump
went to the north, but then it turned south in the direction of Wielkie
Kominy. On the dive on 29.12.1998 Norbert found a guideline and a weight
belt, which were placed in the sump from the Wielkie Kominy side. The
distance from the northern lake to the connection point is about 130 m
with maximum depth of -29 m.
Cavers from Speleoklub Warszawski have been exploring the sump in Wielkie
Kominy since early 70s. In that time the vertical part was descended to
-30 m and a horizontal tunnel was discovered. There is a connection point
with Ciasne Kominy in this tunnel, but it was discovered almost 30 years
later. In the second half of 90s Krzysztof Starnawski explored more underwater
passages in this sump. At the beginning of 1996 he found a side tunnel
at the depth of -12 m. He swam there the distance of 180 m at a max depth
of -21 m to the dry gallery called Podwójne Życie Weroniki (The Double
Life of Veronica). In February of 1997 Krzysztof and Andrzej Czubalski
swam through this sump once again and climbed the meander in the gallery
and found the next sump Klarowny (Clear). Krzysztof dived through it in
1999. It was 15 m long. A new dry gallery was found of length 50-60 m.
But it was a dead end for exploration in this branch.
A bit of new underwater terrain has been explored recently in Jaskinia
Bystrej. This cave is a complex horizontal one. There are many minor sumps,
but the place for diving is a sequence of five sumps in the main passage.
The first four were known from early 70s. The exploration in the fifth
was stopped in 1987, when Aleksiej Petrujkic drowned there during exploration.
The exploration in this sump has been recently undertaken once again by
Krzysztof Starnawski. In bad conditions (low visibility and tight space)
he was able to pass 200 m with max. depth of -28 m in sump. He emerged
in a small chamber. The Sump VI started there, but the entrance (a vertical
slit) was too narrow.
Several diving attempts were made in the sumps, which are at the bottom
area of Jaskinia Wielka ¦nieżna - presently the deepest cave in Poland
(814 m). In this cave the main streamway goes through three sumps at the
bottom: Syfon Dominiki, Syfon Beaty and sump Jeziorko X (the deepest point
in this system). They were explored in 70s and 80s. A way through Jeziorko
X was not found due to low visibility. The problem lay in Syfon Dominika,
which was muddy and narrow. The stirred up mud in this sump went to the
last sump and descured visibility. After many years of exploration a new
dry passage to the sumps was found. Syfon Dominiki was by-passed through
Syfon Dziadka. It allowed the undertaking of exploration in Jeziorko X
in clear water. Maciej Tomaszek from STJ KW Kraków carried out the assault.
He swam 30 m in the last sump. At the depth of 7 m he arrived at sump’s
deflection, which was choked by boulders. He tried to remove them, but
the mud was stirred and he had to return. Next assault was made by Piotr
Kępkiewicz in the year 2000. During the dive he removed the choke, but
he did not pass through.
There are also sumps in the side streamways in Wielka ¦nieżna, which deliver
water to the main stream. They can be dived against the current and dry
passages beyond the sump must be explored by climbing. One of such sites
is a sequence of Syfon Krakowski and Syfon Magdy. Andrzej Stupak dived
through Syfon Krakowski (9 m long) in 1991. This was done by free diving.
It is the only time in the history of Polish cave diving when a sump was
explored in free diving style. The next sump (Syfon Magdy) was explored
using full equipment in the same year, but no further way in the dry passage
was found. Wiktor Bolek and Norbert Ziober undertook the exploration in
this place once again in 1999. A 130 m long passage was found after Syfon
Magdy. It was possible after climbing up in a narrow slit. The last point
resched was 30m higher than the water level in the sump.
In two other caves containing big sumps, no new underwater terrain was
gained during past four years. The exploration achievements in these places
were summarised in the special issue of „Jaskinie” (The Caves) published
on the occasion of 12th International Speleological Congress.
Apart from exploration of sumps in the Tatras, Polish cave divers took
up the challenge of exploring the sumps in Europe. Krzysztof Starnawski,
who, after several attempts, submerged to -180 meters in Hranicka propast
in Czech Republic, made one of the greatest achievements. It is a vertical
pit, which was penetrated by a sonda operated from the surface to the
depth of over 200 m. But no man dived there deeper than Krzysztof. His
dive lasted 4 hours and 21 minutes. He used 11 bottles. Water temperature
was 12-14 oC.
Another exploration was made in the Bihor Mountains in Romania. Wiktor
Bolek submerged to -801 m in the second sump of Izbucul de
la Tauz. This sump is a ramp, which goes slowly downwards. Sand and grit
fill the bottom. At the depth of -74 m there is a squeeze, which stopped
previous explorers, but was passed this time. Afterwards the passage opens
up and exploration is still possible. 
1 - The sump was deepened by Wiktor Bolek to -85 in August
Jaskinia Miętusia |
Ciasne Kominy - southern lake |
Ciasne Kominy - northern lake link to Wielkie
Kominy |
Wielkie Kominy - I Sump to Podwójne Życie
Weroniki |
Wielkie Kominy - II Sump Kryształowy |
¦nieżna Studnia |
Syfon Drzemi±cy |
Wielka ¦nieżna |
Syfon Dominiki |
Syfon Beaty |
Jeziorko X |
Syfon Dziadka |
Syfon Krakowski |
Syfon Magdy |
Jaskinia Kasprowa
Niżnia |
Syfon Danka |
0 m
Syfon Krakowski |
Syfon Mamuci |
Syfon Warszawiaków |
Syfon Kondoniarzy |
Syfon FFS |
Jaskinia Bystrej |
I Syfon |
II Syfon |
III Syfon |
IV Syfon |
V Syfon |
Jaskinia Dudnica |
I Syfon |
5 min
II and III Syfon |
IV Syfon |
Jaskinia Zimna |
Syfon Zwolińskich |
30 min
Syfon Ogazy |
Syfon Warszawiaków |
- this figure denotes the elevation of the sump measured from
the nearest entrance
2 - denotes the time required by a fit cave with
a standard tackle bag to get to the sump from the enterance
(only in the case when the sump is accessible by dry passages) |