Dürrkar 2010
Andrzej Ciszewski
Krakowski Klub Taternictwa Jaskiniowego (KKTJ) continued exploration in Dürrkar in the Leoganger Steinberge in Austria (see JASKINIE 52). The low amount of snow favoured rapid progress in Tropik-Viertel Höhle. They reached the depths of 555 m and 787 in the two separate series and extended the system's length to 5300 m. In Edelweisschacht (D-11) they passed through a snow choke and descended to -127 m, with the cave still going. Promising is the neighbouring kar - Hochgrub. The strategic goal of their exploration is to extend the Lampo system, which is now only 120 m apart.
Pole and Turk - two kins, or Joe connecting people!
Sławek Parzonka
An expedition from Wałbrzyski Klub Górski i Jaskiniowy in Wałbrzych (Poland) conducted exploration in the Cimber valley, Aladaglar massif, Turkey from 25 June to 19 July 2010. Six cavers from Wałbrzych were accompanied by 21 members of three Turkish caving clubs, including Joe Oliphant who arranged the cooperation. They discovered and explored 21 caves with 925 m of surveyed galleries. The most prominent among the caves is Düzkir Cave, 131 m deep and 444 m long.
Meander of Evil Sisters
Agnieszka Majewska
Cavers from AKG Kraków, Speleoclub Wrocław and Speloklub "Bobry" Żagań continued exploration in the El Cornion massif (Picos de Europa, Spain), in company of colleagues from Centro Excursionista de Valencia. They communicated caves 181 and G13 at the depths of 590 m in 181 and 540 m in G13. Now Sistema Pozu del Aguja de Enol - Pozu de los Barrastroses is 804 m deep and 4.3 km long. The system is now so close to Sistema del Canalon de los Desvios that the cavers hope to make the connection next year.
Caves of Sri Lanka
Andrzej Wojtoń
The most visited caves of Sri Lanka are small chambers converted to shrines, highly transformed by excavation and decoration, mostly formed in gneiss or granite. Some of them have preserved vestiges of prehistoric occupation. The author did not reach any of the few karstic caves described in literature.
Winter in the Arabica
Michał Górski
SGW Wrocław went to the Arabika massif in the Western Caucasus in February-March 2010. Despite the large amount of snow, avalanches and hard weather, the team of seven cavers, led by the author, found the entrance and added 150 m to the depth of PL1.
Durmitor 2010
Jacek Szczygieł
Nine cavers took part in a TKTJ expedition to the Durmitor mountains in Montenegro in July-August 2010. They continued exploration of X1108 (see JASKINIE 58) and found two new interesting, high situated caves. Exploration in X1108 resulted in finding new lateral series and connections between the earlier known parts of the cave.
Głęboka Cave in the "Góra Zborów" reserve - development for tourism and a new survey
Norbert Sznober, Andrzej Tyc
Głęboka Cave is a 190 m long cave in the nature reserve "Góra Zborów" in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. The cave was mined for calcite spar and has been partly destroyed by limestone quarrying during the World War II. It was developed for tourist traffic in the 70ties, but its ceiling started to break down soon after that. It has been now secured, illuminated and is accessible with a guide. A new survey is presented.
Summaries by Grzegorz Haczewski
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