Whiskey ageing in the Alps
Rajmund Kondratowicz
Twelve cavers from Speloklub Bobry Żagań, led by Rajmund Kondratowicz, went to the Tennengebirge in Austria in August 2008, animated by an idea that Jack Daniels, with its length of 2.5 km and depth of 748 m must become the longest, if not the deepest, cave in the massif. All leads in the main series terminated soon. A series branching at -270 m led to some nice pitches and exploration stopped at the head of a next pitch at -380 m. Now Jack Daniels with its length of more than 3500 m is close of becoming the longest cave in the massif.
Dürrkar 2008
Andrzej Ciszewski
The author with a team of 22 cavers continued exploration of Dürrkar in the Leoganger Steinberge in Austria. Two promissing caves there - Tropik Höhle and Viertel Höhle - were connected into a system 3.2 km long with 370 m of vertical extent. The drainage system of the kar is still far from being resolved. The expedition was working in late July - early August when large amounts of snow were still a problem.
The new deal in the Hagengebirge
Dariusz Bartoszewski
A team from Sopot and Wrocław continued exploration in the Hagengebirge in Austria in August 2008. Respektschacht, the main lead left from the earlier year, terminated at the depth of 256 m. However, a small cave known from the earlier years, Ciekawa, appeared passable down to 168.4 m and it still goes.
A Happy End of Akemabis
Kasia Biernacka
The author took part in an expedition organized by Franco Attolini, Gustavo Vela and Alan Warild to Sotano de Akemabis, Puebla, Mexico in March-April 2008. 17 cavers from Mexico, Spain, Australia, USA, Canada and Poland explored the deepest part of the cave. The bottom was reached at the depth of 1101 m and the cave is 3219 m long. There are other deep caves in the area and many opportunities.
Prokletije - Bjeshket e Namuna 2008
Krzysztof Najdek, Andrzej Kasza
A large team of cavers from several Polish clubs and from Serbia and Montenegro continued their exploration in the Prokletije mountains at the boundary between Albania and Montenegro. They explored and surveyed 26 caves, most of them a few tens of metres deep. The deepest is Do Savino Oko -265 m. The cavers made also a surface reconnaissance into interestingly looking lapiez areas.
Siwy Kocioł - a secret of the Czerwone Wierchy
Filip Filar, Michał Parczewski
Siwy Kocioł cave in the Czerwone Wierchy was discovered in 2005 and explored by cavers from Zakopane. The progress of exploration was a subject of rumours and now the secrets are revealed. The cave is now 295 m deep and 720 m long. Its galleries run very close to those of Śnie¿na Studnia.
Dyneema® and its use in caving
Translation from "Spelunca" 97, March 2005, pp. 36-40.
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