Norway -
Karolina Filipczak
Four cavers from STJ KW Kraków explored caves in northen Norway, in the Burfjellet. They advanced exploration of Brattligrotta, Edvardheimgrotta and Storligrotta but did not found the expected communication between them.
Expedition year 2007 - Agnieszka Gajewska
A short note on Polish caving expeditions in 2007. The expeditions not described in detail in this issue include one by WKGiJ to the Velebit massif in Croatia. The participants descended two shafts deeper than 500 m (Patkov Gušt -533m and Divka Gromovnica -513 m). So the WKGiJ became the first caving club to have conquered all the five world's deepest cave shafts. SGW explored Polish discovery in Abkhasia - cave PL1 to the depth of ca. 400 m.
Dürrkar - Andrzej Ciszewski
Andrzej Ciszewski (Cracow Caving Club) with a team of 20 cavers explored caves in Dürrkar, a sloping cirque in the Leoganger Steinberge in Austria from 26 July to 25 August. Tropik Höhle was explored down to -235 m. Twenty other caves were explored to various depths and to a total length of 2.3 km. Viertelhöhle reached length of 1,1 km. Two of the caves reach behind the crest, to the area below the Nebelsbergkar. This fact and the results of earlier water dying tests open a hope for a connection with Lamprechtshofen.
Aguicoa 2007 - Jerzy Zygmunt
Seven cavers from Poland, accompanied by Jose Montiel Castro from Mexico, went to the practically unexplored areas of the Sierra Madre del Sur in Michoacan in Mexico. They explored La Vinata cave - a river course ca. 3 km long and closed on both ends by sumps. They found a bypass of the upper sump too late to follow. They also located several other promising entrances.
Turkey - the Bolkar Mountains - Andrzej Wojtoń
A Turkish-Polish team of ten cavers went to the Bolkar Gaglari in the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey in July 2007. They discovered about 30 caves, nearly all of them vertical, but usually ending at 50 - 80 m. The deepest one had 102 m. One cave was horizontal, more than 300 m long, with a water course.
Mahalo Hawaii - Katarzyna Biernacka, Marcin Gala
Seven Polish cavers (including a 9-month old) visited the Kazumura and Kipuka Kanohina lava tube systems on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Jack Daniels cave in the Austrian Tennengebirge was known to a bifurcation at - 619 m. A team of fourteen cavers from Bobry ¯agań and Speleoklub Bielsko Biała reached a muddy sump at - 748 m in August 2007. A search for other routes will be continued.
A group of cavers from WKGiJ visited the four show caves of Nepal.
Jaskinia Pod Bukami - Robert Pest
Speleoklub Brzeszcze continues cleanup of Pod Bukami cave that was used for decades as a dump. They have hitherto removed ca 1875 kg of litter.
Borsucza cave in Dubie - Jakub Nowak
A horizontal cave, 80 m long, was surveyed in the southern part of the Kraków-Wieluń Upland. The cave was known for locals as a dwelling of a fox that made his living on local poultry resources.
Andrzej Wojtoń described two ancient galleries near Wałbrzych, reportedly excavated by silver miners.
Wojciech Rogala surveyed a karst channel that once drained a bottom of a small dolina on the flank of the Odra valley near Gogolin. The channel was emptied of sediment during limestone quarrying.
Jakub Nowak with colleagues described and surveyed a 160 m long Ziobrowa cave in the Kościeliska Valley, Tatra Mountains.
Michał Gradziński, Grzegorz Haczewski, Jakub Nowak i Mariusz Szelerewicz.
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