Göll 2006 -
Zbigniew Rysiecki
In July 2006 the author with seven other cavers from WKTJ Poznań and RKG Nocek Ruda ¦l±ska continued exploration in the Göll massif in the Austrian Alps. The main object explored was Unvollendeterschacht (1336/302). Climbing to windows in Studnia z Oknami (Shaft with Windows) gave way to extensive and spacious old series sloping gently to the south. Three independent downgoing series were found there and explored, as well as some leads approaching surface. These may result in finding a new entrance that would allow to avoid the danger of falling ice in the present entrance series. The new survey amounts to 2110 m in length. The deepest point achieved is at -664 m. The cave is now 2938 m long and the Hochschartehöhlensystem is 10,370 m long.
And its name is "forty and four" - 15th expedition of Speleoklub Wrocław to the Picos de Europa - Agnieszka Majewska
Nine cavers from Speleoclub Wrocław, led by Marek Jędrzejczak, continued their activity in the western massif of the Picos de Europa (El Cornion) explored Sistema del Canalon de los Desvios. The major result was the discovery of a new cave F44. At the depth of 582 m it communicated with the earlier known parts of the system. Sistema del Canalon de los Desvios is now 6610 m long. The results confirm radial nature of underground drainage in this part of the massif.
Good news from the Hagengebirge - Radosław Paternoga
Exploration in the Hagengebirge for years hardly exceeded the barrier of 100 m depth. Höhle in Roten Steinen with its depth of 410 m was chosen as a promising way to the deep parts of the massif. The cave was explored to -700 m (surveyed to -592 m). At the depth of -570 a dry series departs that has a place for a camp. Its exploration was left for times when high water would preclude action in the main, very wet series. The expedition led by Marek Wierzbowski counted 13 cavers from various Polish clubs and one from USA.
Dolomiti Friulane 2006 - Emanuel Soja
An expedition organized by Speleoklub D±browa Górnicza and led by Agnieszka Dziubek explored AQQ in the Dolomiti Friulane from 12 to 26 August 2006. The cave was connected with Buca Mongana, the greatest cave in the area, whose entrance is often blocked by snow.
Montenegro 2006 - Dariusz Sapieszko
Twelve cavers from Silesia, mostly from Katowicki Klub Speleologiczny i Tarnogórski Klub Taternictwa Jaskiniowego, explored the Durmitor massif in Montenegro on 4-25 August 2006. They explored 517 m of new series in several caves.
The tenth year in the Kitzsteinhorn - Wojciech Sieprawski
A team from KKTJ Kraków, headed by Andrzej Ciszewski, and Wojciech Sieprawski continued its work in the Kitzsteinhorn massif in Austria. During two weeks between 15 and 31 March 2007 they discovered more than 400 m, thus extending the length of Feichtnerschacht to 5.5 km. The exploration was conducted near Kaskady Jacusia (-680 m), Matternhorngang (-500 m), a dig (-460 m) and Klucz do Podziemi (-350 m). The author hopes for new great discoveries in the system.
Sztolnia Galmanowa in Czerna - Andrzej Górny, Mariusz Szelerewicz
The authors present the first nearly complete survey of a system of natural karst galleries extended and deformed by centuries of lead and zinc ore mining. The total length of surveyed galleries in Sztolnia Galmanowa amounts to 540 m and further discoveries are still possible. The natural caves were filled with oxidized lead and zinc ores that formed a rock known localy as "galman", similar to gossan, but rich in lead and zinc as well as some manganese, silver and other metals.
Caves in the lower Vistula valley - Jan Urban
The author describes two small caves, earlier known only to locals, that formed in Pleistocene sands, where they are locally cemented into sandstones. Several caves of this curious type have been known in various parts of Polish Lowlands. The caves described here lie in the area of a planned nature reserve.
Michał Gradziński, Grzegorz Haczewski, Jakub Nowak i Mariusz Szelerewicz.
This HTML-version: Dariusz Bartoszewski
Editioral address (main):
ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Krakow, Poland e-mail: szelerewicz@ceti.pl
Internet edition:
e-mail: dbart@sktj.pl
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