Transport team starts to Schartenschacht,
ph. Z. Rysiecki |
with Hochschartehohlensystem. Perhaps by this series Studnia Przełamanych Lodow might be bypassed? In the massifs on the northern side two interesting caves have been discovered and explored, both in the cirques descending from the pass. These are the Turbowywiew ("Turbo-draught" -362 m) and Jaskinia Tylna ("Back Cave" -266 m deep and 540 m long). These caves arc of high interest mainly because they are the deepest ones on this side of the massif in the Hochscharte pass area. Unfortunately, we did not manage to reach into the depths of the massif through them.
Turbowywicw cave is a very tight one and after a rainfall on the surface it is flooded -pulsed with great amounts of water, which creates danger of trapping cavers inside. The cave ends with an impassable choke.
The second, Jaskinia Tylna is situated in the next cirque and consists of the system of mud slopes - quite spacious and with a distinct draught. Unfortunately, this one ends with pile of blocks, again - not passable.
Apart from this prominent caves a number of minor caves and openings have been discovered, most of which are clopped with snow plugs. These are, however, worth coming back to in order to check whether they had opened up.
The exploration of the Göll Massif is still being continued and, surely, lots of time will be needed to explore its insides in greater detail. 
See also:
Rysiecki Z., 1992. Coraz ciaśniej, coraz głębiej. Jaskinie, 1:5.
Rysiecki Z., 1993. Hoher Göll. Jaskinie, 2:2-7, 14-15.
Rysiecki Z., 1994. Hochscharte - 93. Jaskinie, 3:5-8.
Rysiecki Z., 1995. Göll - 94. Jaskinie, 4:6-9.
Rysiecki Z., 1996. Skazani na. sukces. Jaskinie, 5:6-9.
Rysiecki Z., 1997. Miało być inaczej. Jaskinie, 6:4-7.
Rysiecki Z., 1997. The Göll massif, Jaskinie, 7:18-19.
Rysiecki Z., 1998. Wielki fart w Karnrnerschartenhöhle: Göll
'97. Jaskinie, 8:12-14.
Rysiecki Z., 1998. O włos od śmierci. Jaskinie, 9:17-20.
Rysiecki Z., 1998. Hoher Göll - 1998. Jaskinie, 12:13.
Rysiecki Z., 2000. Goll '99. Jaskinie 18:9-12.
Tambor P., 2000. Z nowym kierownikieni w Hoher Göll.
Jaskinie, 21:15-16.
Rysietki Z., 2001.The Göll Massif. In: Polish Caving 1997-200 I.
KTJPZA, Kraków, pp. 18-20.
Tambor P., 2001. Drugi polski -1000 w Hoher Göll. Jaskinie,
Rysiecki Z., 2003. Göll 2002. Jaskinie 30:15.
R/siecki Z., 2004. Göll - 2003 Jaskinie 36:10-12.