
Published by Firma Rysunkowa Szelerewicz for:
Komisja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego Polskiego Związku Alpinizmu
(Caving Commission of Polish Mountaineering Association)
ul. Ciołka 17, 01-445 Warszawa
Michał Gradzński, Grzegorz Haczewskii Mariusz Szelerewicz
Translation: Marek Wierzbowski, Ewa Zozula, Adam Zozula
Kraków 2001, ISBN 83-922272-2-0
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From the editors
It is our honour to present this special publication issued on the occasion of 14th International Speleological Congress. The publication is aimed at describing the main achievements of Polish cavers throughout last four years, since the 13th Congress and since the earlier similar publication.
Among the many expeditions abroad, the Austrian Alps remained the most popular foreign goal for Polish teams. The most spectacular effects were achieved in the Hohe Tauern massif where Feichtnerschacht was pushed down to -1088 m (see article by Nowak). The long years of work in the Göll massif brought exciting outcome. The Poles linked Jaskinia Gadających Kamieni with Kammerschartenhöhle, which created Hochschartehöhlensystem with the depth of-1033 m (see article by Tambor). Other teams explored the Tennengebirge and the Hagengebirge in Austria (see articles by Wierzbowski and Kondratowicz). Some exploration results were also yielded by expeditions to the Picos de Europa (see article by Jedrzejczak). Other exploration by Polish cavers was earned out in the karst massifs of Slovenia (see article by Tomaszek), Croatia (see article by Furtak) and Norway (see article by Nawrot). Other cavers explored the Canin massif in its Italian part, mountain karst areas in Bulgaria and Montenegro.
Less numerous but also interesting was exploration activity outside Europe. In spring 2002 a Polish team explored Imalfol Tern cave in Papua New Guinea, to the depth of ca. -400 m. Exploration and surveying works were carried out on Easter Island (Rapa Nui) in 2002 and 2004 (see article by Ciszewski & Recielski). The cavers of Spoeleoklub Warszawski took part in a French expedition to New Britain island and in American expeditions to Mexico (see article by Biernacka & Gala). Other cavers visited the Rock/ Mountains in USA in 2001 and. 2002. After a few years of preparation the expedition to the island of Madre de Dios in Chilean Patagonia was organized in 2002 (see article by Ciszewski). A Polish team explored also small caves in rock and ice in Svalbard in 2004.
The cavers from Speleoklub "Bobry" Żagań and Speleoklub Gorzow 'collect' the deepest pitches ofthe world (see article by Furtak). Many small groups went to large cave systems for training. In 2002 and 2004 Reseau de la Dent de Crolles was visited and in 2004 Reseau de le Pierre Saint Martin. Besides, numerous teams chose as their target some caves in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia, France and Italy. The most spectacular exploration in Poland was in Jaskinia Mala w Mulowej, where the depth of more than 500 m was reached (see article by Lorczyk). Besides the mentioned articles on Polish achievements you can find inside this issue an article by Gajewska on the structure of the Polish caving movement. Gradziński describes the distribution of caves in Poland, and the latest exploration results. Recent activity of Polish cave divers is summarized in the article by Szerszeń.
Note: The names of Polish caves
were not translated to avoid confusion. The often repeated word "jaskinia"
means cave.
Front cover: Sala Wesołej Warszawki in Jaskinia Wielka Śnieżna, photo by Kasia Biernacka & Marcin Gala /
Layout and design Firma Rysunkowa Szelerewicz, ul. Ehrenberga 36a 31-309 Kraków |