The deepest caves of the Polish exploration
Name |
Entrance symbol |
Depth [m] |
Lenght [m] |
Horizontal extent |
Year, club, result
1. |
Sistema del Jou de la Canal Parda
(Pozu del Pico de los Asturianos - Sima de la Torre de los Traviesos
o de los Organos) |
A-30 (0)
A-24 (-13)
A-25 (-14)
A-1 (-22) |
-903 |
+ca. 450 |
760 |
1974, SCOF, -330 w A-1
1975, SCOF, -416 w A-1
1989, SKG, -265 w A-30
1991, SCW, -552 w A-30
1994, SCW, -726 w A-30
1995, SCW, connection of A-1 with A-30
1996, SCW, -903 |
2. |
Pozu del Porru la Capilla |
A-11 |
440 |
1984, SG, -180
1986, STJC, -400
1987, SG, -863
3. |
Sistema del Canalon e los Desvios |
F-18 (0)
F-17 (-24)
F-15 (-36) |
+ ca. 50
422 |
1994, SCW, -501 w F-17/F-18
1995, SCW, connection F-15 with F-17/F-18
1998, SCW, -542
4. |
Pozu del Porru de los Garapozales |
A-3 |
-432 |
765 |
189 |
1975 ?, SCOF ?, -60 ?
1998, SCW, -432 |
5. |
G-13 |
-429 |
623 |
82 |
1989, SGKWW, -429
6. |
Sima de los Desvios |
F-3B (-3) |
-323 |
702 |
97 |
1973, shepherd, -100
1975, SCOF, -280
1980, SG, -323
2000, SCW, po³±czenie z F-3B |
7. |
Red de los Barrastrosas |
G-1 (0)
G-7 (-7)
G-6 (-23)
G-4 (-55)
G-5 (-43) |
-332 |
? |
145 |
1972, SCOF, -215 w G-7
1973, SCOF, -315 w G-7 connection G-4 with G-7
1975, SCOF, po³±czenie G-5 with G-4/G-7
1998, SCW, -322, connection G-1/G-6 with G-4/G-7/G-5 |
8. |
SCP-134 |
-240 |
? |
42 |
1984, SCP, -38
1985, SCP, -157
1986, SCP and KKS, -240 |
9. |
Sima Profunda
-204 |
? |
? |
1979, SG, -188
1980, SG, -204 |
Katowicki Klub Speleologiczny |
Sekcja Taternictwa Jaskiniowego
Czêstochowa |
Speleoclub Wroc³aw |
Speleo Club Orsay Faculte, Orsay,
Francja |
SG |
Speleoklub Gliwice |
Espeleo - Club de la Universidad
de Valencia, Hiszpania |
Sekcja Groto³azów Klubu Wysokogórskiego
Wroc³aw |
Polish teams and achievements
printed in bold |
134, Sima de la Porra la Altiquera (H-11), Pozu de la Altiquera. It is
difficult to delineate both, the southern and the western boundaries of
the system. For this reason it can not be determined where lies the divide
between the areas drained by the Río Junjumia and the Río Redemuna.
The shortest, no more than 3 km long, is the system related with the Río
La Beyera. It drains possibly a small, northern part of the exploration
area. The southern limit of this system can not be precisely delineated,
hence it can not be ascertained if the area of its influence reaches behind
the line: Sierra Les Robeques - Porru Curelles. The base of erosion of
this system lies at altitude ca 1100 m, where the waters surface on Vega
Brical, and soon disappear in the active stream cave Pozo Palomberu, to
reappear in the Río La Beyera. Accepting that the southernmost parts of
the area have elevations close to 1600 m, we get the maximum vertical
range of ca 500 m. In the initial course it is supplied, among others,
from the east, from Vega El Forcau, by the known cave system Pozu de la
Vega El Forcau. The western limit is difficult to draw in the discussed
Because of the difficulties in establishing the western boundaries of
the systems related to the Río Redemuna and the Río Beyera, one can not
exclude that a very narrow, eastern stripe of the exploration area is
drain by the system related to the Río Casano. This system, directed to
the north, is supplied in its southern part by caves Sistema Jorcada Blanca
(F2/F7) and Pozu del Redondo (F20). The waters surface in the valley of
the Río Casano in Hoyo La Madre. It is difficult to establish if the system
reaches farther south, draining water from beneath Jou de Arenizas and,
much lower, from the slopes of the Pico Conjurtau and Porru Cureles.
It will appear soon if the concept outlined above is correct. We are entering
a new decade and a new century. The fourth decade of exploration in this
part of the western massif of the Picos de Europa is before us. 
Results of dye-tracing carried out by Speleoclub
Wroc³aw in the Polish exploration zone
Date of dye-tracing |
Medium |
Amount |
Dye-tracing place |
Observation place |
Distance |
Vertical extent |
Flow time |
2.09.1996 |
uranine |
2 kg |
Sistema del Jou de la Canal Parda
(-903; ca. 1310 m n.p.m.) |
Gueros de la Teya (Rio Redemuna) |
4,1 km |
100 m |
5.08.1999 |
uranine |
10 kg |
Pozu del Porru de la Capilla
(-250; ca. 1900 m n.p.m.) |
Gueros de Junjumia (Rio Junjumia)
Gueros de la Teya (Rio Redemuna)
Hoyo la Madre (Rio Casano)
Fuente los Brazos (Rio Casano)
Fuente los Palvoras (Rio Casano) |
3,5 km
5,5 km
7,8 km
9,4 km
10,0 km
510 m
690 m
1110 m
1450 m
1490 |
270 h
7.08.2000 |
uranine |
7 kg
G-13 (-390, ca. 1680 m n.p.m.) |
Gueros de Junjumia (Rio Junjumia)
Gueros de la Teya (Rio Redemuna)
Rio La Beyera |
3,0 km
4,0 km
5,8 km |
290 m
470 m
650 m |
- |