Za Kolankiem
(Behind the Knee)
As strange as the name of the section sounds it comes from a characteristically
shaped feature in a chimney climbed in the eighties by Witek Jokiel and
his partners. Our first discoveries in the Partie za Kolankiem section
took place at the beginning of February 1996. After many hours of risky
and difficult breakdown dismembering we come up in the bottom of a huge
chimney called Katedra (Cathedral dome). Its size raised in us a large
respect and the joy of great discovery. The further way north was closed
by the steep walls of the chimney and further exploration required extensive
climbing. Partie za Kolankiem section grew larger and larger, but after
multiple trips we were not any closer to finding new entrance. While climbing
the steep walls of Katedra we reached first side passage 40 meters from
the bottom. After climbing a couple of smaller domes and large amounts
of breakdown scrambling we reached the base of another chimney. We were
very pleased, since the chimney was glaciated, thus we knew that we were
close to the surface. Unfortunately the exploration of the boulder-choked
ceiling was not really an option due to the obvious dangers awaiting the
unwary caver. We decided to tackle the problem from the surface. At the
earliest occasion we purchased a high output non-poisoning smoke flare
used for water rescue. We knew that the very strong airflow would quickly
carry the smoke to the surface.
Just when the snow was finishing to melt we arrived in the valley. We
started by climbing the wall overlooking the valley to be able to access
all the caves located in it. While in the cave we tried to have voice
connection, but when that failed at a set time we fired the flare. The
chimney quickly filled up with smoke, and despite the strong air flow
the smoke started going back into the cave. After four minutes the flare
stopped working and the smoke was completely sucked into the breakdown.
Hours later we listened to our friend who had stayed on the surface. Three
minutes after the set time the smoke appeared in one of the caves located
200 meters off the valley floor. While checking the cave we realized that
the terminal squeeze was too tight and we directed our attention to other
caves near by.
After many more trips and a lot of new passage exploration we finished
the exploration of the Partie za Kolankiem in 1998. The proper conclusion
came in the fall of 1999 when we a discovered connection between section
and the newly found Jaskinia Wilcza around 100 meters away from the place
we initially suspected. Unfortunately the new entrance is even more subject
to the weather conditions, it requires climbing to reach it, and for the
time being we will continue to use the old one.
Digging in Przemkowe Partie
In the mean time
In the April of 1996 we visited Przemkowe again. This time due to major
snowmelt and rain, the floodwater almost prevented us from entering the
cave, so we could only push dry leads. We started by climbing Kruchy Komin
(Fractured Dome). After 30 meters we were standing in a room from which
through a crack we could see cascading water in the neighboring dome.
The cracks in the ceiling of the room did not give us any hope of getting
through. Instead of trying to hammer through to the dome with water we
decided to do something different. We preferred climbing over squeezing.
We returned to the cascades that are parallel to the Komin Biwakowy (Bivouac
chimney). In a short time the dry dome turned into a canyon. We followed
it through small drops a and couple of squeezes for 70 meters. When we
stopped at the base of the dome we could hear the far roar of a waterfall.
We were not sure if this was new water or if we were hearing the cascades
far below. Our optimism told us that we were approaching another waterway.
Since at that time our exploration was focused
on the Partie za Kolankiem section parts the puzzle had to wait over a
year to be solved. The break was so long that the ever-present moulds
at our bivouac chimney had died not being smart enough to start munching
on our rusted food cans. In July Marek and Stefan Stefański took a short
trip to visit Przemkowe Partie. The extensive climbing experience gained
by Stefan while climbing out of Poland’s deepest caves proved very useful.
During one day of free climbing and aiding we managed to reach an intersecting
dome with major water flow in it. On the next, joined by Rafał we continued
climbing. After climbing a couple of beautiful cascades, traversing deep
pools of icy water and acrobatic moves performed by a lead climber we
reached sizeable room with two leads. One of them was a tight tube at
the ceiling, other was a small passage filled partially with water. By
this time we were too tired to even try to push the mentioned leads. During
the following trips the leads were checked but they turned out too tight
to be passable. 